Drug Compatibility Resources

Simplivia’s Chemfort® is compatible with all known hazardous drugs. Chemfort® provides unmatched safety while maintaining drug sterility and stability during preparation and handling of hazardous drugs. The materials that comprise the Chemfort® Closed System Drug-Transfer Device (CSTD) system are chemically resistant to all known hazardous drug solutions, maintaining full integrity and functionality for the duration of their approved usage period.

Chemfort® Compatibility With All Known Hazardous Drugs

The Chemfort® system is used to ensure safety and sterility during preparation and handling of hazardous drugs. The plastics that comprise t...
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Studies on the stability and compatibility of cytotoxic drug infusions with the Tevadaptor device

Professor Graham Sewell, PhD; Milena Massimini. EJOP, Volume 8, Issue 3, 2014
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Safe Handling of Monoclonal Antibody-based Drugs (mABs)

The 2016 NIOSH list of hazardous drugs includes 4 mABs. Repeated exposure of healthcare professionals to hazardous monoclonal antibodies (mA...
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