Robotic Chemo-Automation SystemChoose a precise, practical, fast and economical robotic drug compounding system to meet your pharmacy needs.Watch Video Guidelines
The Smartest Robotic Chemo-Automation System Today Precise, practical, fast, and economical, the SmartCompounders takes the automatingof preparing cytotoxic medication to a new level that is beyond compare. It givespharmacists and technicians the tools to make the process shorter, more reliable andeliminates errors in medication identification and dosage quantity.
Intelligent in Design. Ingenious in Protecting Every step of hazardous drug preparation carries the risk of airborne contaminantsentering the drug vial as well as the escape of hazardous drug vapors, aerosols ordroplets to the environment. Such occupational exposure is linked to a range of negative health consequences.Empowered by Chemfort® CSTDs to maintain the highest standards in preventing thisexposure, the SmartCompounders not only ensures drug sterility but also total peaceof mind for healthcare professionals..
Smart Versatility The SmartCompounders is a robotic drug compounding system specially designed for a diverse range of sterile cytotoxic drugs, whether personalized or in batches,including chemotherapy and biologicals. Unlike other automated compounding solutions, the SmartCompounders maximizes the compounding process by loading 10 preparations (IV bags, pumps, and syringes) at a single compounding cycle. The SmartCompounders is also unbeaten as the only system available that can work on up to 4 different drug types simultaneously.
Smart Technology The SmartCompounders is completely computer-controlled, optimizing workflow and enabling the operator to maximize efficiencies by preparing the next productionrun or attending to other tasks.Lot numbers of drug vials, IV bags, and disposables registered for full tracking and tracing. The SmartCompounders can work standalone or use data from the hospital’s EMR prescription software.
Smart Safety The SmartCompounders eliminates medication errors through a real-time double-step verification method that uses multiple cameras to identify patient specifics for a seamless end-to-end compounding process.Its precision-driven gravimetric control system uses 10 different load cells to measure real-time dosing medication after injection for total accuracy and reliability.
Smart Protection Safety is assured for operators and healthcare workers too, thanks to Chemfort® CSTDs embedded in the compounding process. Scientifically proven to protect those who work with hazardous drugs, Chemfort® also maintains drug sterility up to 7 days.
Your Pharmacy Future Starts Here Space-saving, cost-saving, time-saving, and life-saving, the Simplivia's robotic chemo-automation system empowered by Chemfort® CSTDs revolutionizes the compounding process end-to-end.