Made for Nurses

As a nurse working in oncology settings, you frequently handle hazardous drugs. This makes you particularly vulnerable to exposure. To protect yourself, you need a complete vial-to-vein closed solution.

Simplivia’s Chemfort® portfolio and extended product line offers the latest closed system drug-transfer devices (CSTD). With Simplivia, you have unmatched safety and a confident experience when working with hazardous drugs.

Simplivia. When Healthcare and Simplicity Click

Safe. Simplivia has perfected its Chemfort® preparation and compounding portfolio and designed a unique product line for nurses. These innovative closed administration solutions and our closed system drug-transfer devices (CSTDs) provide protection for nurses that is proven, scientifically validated and brilliantly simple.
Simple. Chemfort® is designed to be intuitive and require minimal training.
Click. Simply click and Chemfort®’s elastomer-to-elastomer connection ensures that a safe, closed connection has been established.
Needle-stick safe. Chemfort® eliminate exposures to needles by hiding the needle by means of an automatic retraction mechanism. As a result, the risk of needle-stick injuries is eliminated for bolus administration and IV bag preparation.
Cost efficient. Chemfort® enables both cost savings and drug savings. When working with high cost drugs used in oncology, this means lifesaving treatment can be provided to more patients.
Awareness. Healthcare providers increasingly understand that working with hazardous drugs puts nurses at risk. These healthcare providers also recognize the need for closed administration systems that reduce vulnerability to exposure, and provide a full, vial-to-vein solution for nurse safety.

    Simplivia Closed System Transfer Devices (CSTDs).
    Safe Administration is in Your Hands.

    Nurses routinely face the risk of direct exposure to hazardous drugs due to their key role in the administration of medication. Exposure can happen during all stages of administration: when spiking and unspiking at the bedside, when connecting and disconnecting syringes and tubing, through improper priming of IV tubing, wearing improper or no PPE, handling excreta and during disposal of used IV equipment.

    Exposure to toxic drugs as droplets or vapor can occur through inhalation, skin contact, unintentional hand-to-mouth ingestion or accidental needle stick and sharps injuries. In wards, and especially oncology wards, unintentional exposure to hazardous drugs poses a risk not only to nurses, but also to other hospital personnel, patients and their families, and the environment.

    Studies show that nurses who handle antineoplastic drugs are exposed to the active ingredients. A recent study showed that 61% of wipe tests in hospital settings were positive for antineoplastics, with the highest concentrations on toilet floors, an IV pump and a waste bin cover.

    Furthermore, nurses who work with antineoplastic drugs show more chromosomal aberrations and an increase in birth defects that appear to be related to frequency of use. In addition, there is an increased risk of spontaneous abortion with exposure to antineoplastic drugs. Additional acute effects of exposure to hazardous drugs include skin rashes and nausea, while chronic effects include infertility, leukemia and other cancers. In fact, a 2019 systematic review of 17 studies examining chromosomal damage related to hazardous drug exposure showed a significant association between hazardous exposure and increased chromosomal abnormalities.

      Safety When it Matters Most

      The USP<800> regulation requires the use of CSTDs like Chemfort® when administering hazardous drugs. To ensure safe practice and reduce exposure of nurses to hazardous drugs, guidelines by professional associations including the Oncology Nursing Society also recommend the use of CSTDs.

      These key regulations and guidelines cover safe handling during hazardous drug administration for nurses. In combination with using personal protective equipment (PPE), best practices and other controls, Chemfort® provides safety when nurses handle and administer toxic medications.

      To put these regulations and guidelines into practice, Simplivia offers a leading range of solutions.

        Focusing on Your Safety so You Can Focus on What Really Matters

        Simplivia's premium closed system transfer devices (CSTDs) incorporate our patented ToxiGuard® drug binding mechanical barrier. Chemfort® enables safe handling, preparation, drug transfer and administration of cytotoxic and other hazardous drugs.

          Simplivia CSTDs. Leading Solutions for Nurse Safety

          At Simplivia, we are dedicated to providing the best possible medical solutions to ensure safety in the healthcare workplace.