How CSTDs Impact Your Safety

At Simplivia, we focus on your safety so you can focus on what really matters. Please use the following overview to learn how Closed System Transfer Devices (CSTD) can help protect pharmacists, nurses and veterinarians in the healthcare workplace.

What is a Closed System Transfer Device (CSTD)?

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), a key US health protection agency, is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). NIOSH has defined a Closed System Drug-Transfer Device (CSTD) as “a drug transfer device that mechanically prohibits the transfer of environmental contaminants into the system and the escape of the hazardous drug or vapor concentrations outside the system”.

Occupational exposure while compounding and administering hazardous drugs is linked to a range of negative health consequences. CSTDs that meet the NIOSH definition, like the Simpliva CSTD, protect healthcare professionals against such exposure 1.

    Keeping Yourself Safe with Closed System Transfer Devices (CSTDs)

    How can healthcare professionals protect their health when working with hazardous drugs? This is a key challenge when delivering treatment to patients.

    Many hazardous drugs are frequently used in patient treatment protocols. They can include antineoplastic drugs for chemotherapy, antibiotics and new monoclonal antibodies. These drugs, while saving patient lives, can also damage the health of healthcare professionals. This can happen if the drugs leak during compounding, reconstitution or administration to patients.

    Healthcare professionals, including pharmacists, nurses and veterinarians, can be exposed to hazardous drug through inhalation, skin contact, accidental hand-to-mouth ingestion or needle stick and sharps injuries.

    Also, if these drugs leak in handling, they are a health risk to other healthcare workers, patients, patient families and the environment 2.

      The Importance of CSTDs

      A number of key regulatory agencies around the world publish regulations and guidelines related to the design and use of CSTDs. These include:

      In addition to meeting these guidelines, Simplivia's Chemfort® Closed System Transfer Device is cleared by the FDA under the ONB product code and CE approved. The performance of our CSTD is also peer reviewed and acknowledged in leading journals and/or conferences.

        Where Healthcare and Simplicity Click. Simplivia's CSTD

        Simplivia offers our Chemfort® Closed System Transfer Device and related CSTD products to provide safety at the highest standard. View our Products or Contact Us.